ПромтехЭКСПО - 2025
Ярмарка недвижимости. Весна - 2025

Ankhor Lokomotiv Park

Address: st. Labzak, 12/1, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan.

Ankhor Lokomotiv Park opened on August 8, 2016, in Tashkent and immediately became one of the most favourite parks for residents and guests of the capital of Uzbekistan. An area of 8 hectares, the originality of the architecture and design of the park, a large number of the new attractions, unique flavor - all this is about Ankhor Lokomotiv.

The development of the park continues to this day. The list of carousels and attractions is frequently updated, new platforms and scenes are being added.

The park is located in the Shaikhantour district of Tashkent along the «Ankhor» canal between Labzak and Zulfiyahonim streets. It can also be accessed from the side of the canal through the large theme park "Navruz".


You can get to the park by public transport. The closest stop to the park is "Massiv Labzak", which can be reached by buses 52, 57, 78, 97.

The metro station "Alisher Navoi" or the station "Minor" on the other line are within 20 minutes of a leisurely walk from the park.

There is a large six-level parking area on the site, so there is no problem in finding parking in the city center for visitors who come by private car.
