Рудник - 2025
Рудник - 2025

Exhibition Hall of Artists Union

Image of Exhibition Hall of Artists Union

Address: 34, Tsvilling st., Chelyabinsk city, Russia

It was built in 1979. The exhibition hall is one of the biggest ones in Russia designed for art vernissages, its area is 2500 sq.m.

The exhibition hall includes 4 different in shape and size exposition rooms.

Administration facilities, workshops, a banquet hall, a conference hall, and subsidiary rooms are nearby.


How to get

Venue access:

In order to get there, take bus 18, 64, trolley bus 1, 8, 10, 11, 19, 26, tram 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16 and go to the stop "Ploschad Revolutsiy"
