Продукты питания - 2025
Дача. Сад. Ландшафт. Малая механизация - 2025

Cultural and exhibition center "EURASIA"

Image of Culture and Exhibition Centre

Address: Russia, Saint Petersburg, Captain Voronin st., 13.(Lesnoy avenue, 65 building 8).

"EURASIA" is located near to "Lesnaya" metro station, in downtown, inside the block and between the streets Kantemirovskaya, Pargolovskaya, Captain Voronin and Kharchenko.

Cultural and exhibition center "EURASIA", was founded by JSC "SIVEL" in 2000, and is the only exhibition center of the 4 northern districts of Saint-Petersburg city with a population of 1,5 million people.

Annually the center hosts around 50 exhibitions, fairs, business, cultural and entertaining events.

Exhibition Complex "EURASIA" - is:
a 2-storey building (1500 square meters) and is an example of Soviet constructivism of the thirties
modern metal plastic pavilion (750 square meters) with open air floor ground (1500 square meters)
parking (for 200 cars)
theatre "Glagol" (120 seats)
art-cafe "EURASIA" (125 seats)
warehouses (50 square meters)

The Complex is equipped with audio and video systems, sound amplification system, projecting equipment, freight lift

The space inside the premises is easily transformed by means of standard exhibition constructions!


How to get

Venue access:

Metro station "Lesnaya", then 150 meters on foot.

Buses: №№ 33, 60, 492 Kantemirovskaya st.

Trolley buses.: №№ 31, 31, Kantemirovskaya st.

Trams: №№ 20, 38, 61, Lesnoi avenue.

Marshrootkas: №№ 69, 148, 160, 240, 333, 369, 385, 387, 492 Kantemirovskaya st.

Railway station "Kushelevka" connects Finljandskii railway station with suburban lines of the Leningrad region: Ladozhskoe and Sosnovoe.
