SIFT - 2025
SIFT - 2025

Central Exhibition Complex Expocentre

Фотография Выставочного центра Северо-Запада РФ

Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Pobeda square, 2.

Exhibition Centre of North-West of Russian Federation is located in the Moscow region of Saint-Petersburg. This region is called South Gates of the city, in its territory is situated the international airport "Pulkovo", and also there pass two large highways of the North-West of Russia - the Moscow and Kiev highway. Moscow prospectus connects a federal line "Russia" with cultural and business centre of the city.

Exhibition Centre of North-West of Russian Federation - is the modern equipped complex, corresponded to all requirements of carrying out of international specialized exhibitions and conferences. The centre is surrounded with the wide prospectuses and squares, magnificent architectural ensembles, beautiful green parks and gardens. On the Victory square in front of Expocenter the monument "Pulkovsky boundary" is established, where opens the panorama on park of Hero-towns and on a whole Moscow region.

Convenient location of the Exhibition centre to airports "Pulkovo-1" and "Pulkovo-2", Koltsevaya highway, to developed system of underground stations, make the Exhibition Center of North-West of the Russian Federation convenient for the transport connection. The railway highways, departing from Vitebsk and Baltic station, also will allow participants of the Forum to reach quickly the historical suburbs: Gatchina, Pushkin, Pavlovsk.

Exhibition Centre of North-West of Russian Federation is a complex where situated exhibition, banquet, fourshet and congress halls, a capacious parking.

Through the square are situated the hotel "Park Inn Pulkovskaya"****, and also hotel "Russia"***.

  1. Distance to the Pulkovo airport is 5 km.
  2. Distance to the Moscow railway station - 10 km.
  3. 5 minutes from "Moskovskaya" metro station.
  4. 30 minutes from Hermitage, Petropavlovskaya fortress.


Как добраться

Venue access:

Metro station "Moskovskaya", then a few minutes walk.
