SIFT - 2025
SIFT - 2025

Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre"

Фотография Экспоцентра

Address: 14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow.

General information:
Roofed floor space - 85,000 sqm.
Open air floor space - 50,000 sqm.
Number of pavilions - 10
Number of conference halls - 16

Conference halls:
16 halls of the area from 48 sqm. to 622 sqm., can accomodate, depending on the area, up to 500 people (Blue Hall)

Engineering support:
Systems of electricity supply
Systems of water supply
Air conditioning
Air pressure supply system for booths: automated system of fire suppression

Phone and fax communication
Internet access
Provision of sound and multimedia equipment
Simultaneous translation systems

Parking for 517 cars; 15 cafes.


Как добраться    

Venue access:

  • To the metro station "Vystavochnaya" (former "Delovoy Center") 50 meters from the Western Entrance of CEC "Expocentre"
  • To the metro station "Ulitsa 1905 Goda", then by bus № 12, trolleybus №№ 18, 54, route taxis № 100, 28, 254, 283, 318, 461, 545
  • To the metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya" , then by buses №№ 152, 69, 4, маршрутными такси №№ 546М, 547, 549, 713М
  • To the metro station "Kievskaya", then by buses №№ 157, 77, 240, 205, 91,, trolleybuses №№ 7, 39, route taxis №№ 474, 506, 10
  • To the metro station "Kutuzovskaya", them by buses №№ 116, 77, 91, 157, 205, 240, tolleybuses №№ 2, 7, 39, 44, route taxi № 506

The public transport stops near the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre"
