Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

TVK Expocentre

Image of the Exhibition Complex EXPOCENTRE

Address: Lenina avenue, 65 A, Volgograd, Russia.

The TVK Expocentre includes long span structure in area of 2000 square meters and 3 separate conference rooms. The complex has advantageous location and extended infrastructure. It is the first and a single for the moment specialized premise in Volgograd for holding exhibition events.

The complex perfectly suits for holding events, positioning of advertising information, it is equipped with all necessary communications, has Internet access. Providing complete range of auxiliary equipment is available.

EXPOCENTRE members will undertake organizational tasks and will present consulting services for involvement of outside services.


From the hotel "Volgograd":

Trolleybus № 12; express tramway; minibus taxi №№ 30, 20, 53, 57, 77, 99 to the station "Sports Palace".

From the hotel "Yuzhnaya":

Minibus taxi №№ 30, 57, 77, 99, trolleybus №№ 2, 10 with a change at the station "Komsomolskaya", trolleybus № 12 or express tramway to the station "Sports Palace".

From the railroad station:

Minibus taxi №№ 30а; trolleybus №№ 8, 8а, 1 to the station "Sports Palace".

From the airport:

Minibus taxi № 6 to Pavshikh Boytsov square, than by trolleybus № 12 or express tramway or minibus taxi №№ 30, 20, 53, 57, 77, 99 to the station "Sports Palace".
