Петербургский международный форум здоровья - 2025

Gostiny Dvor and Vasilyevsky Spusk square

Image of Gostiny Dvor Address: Moscow, Iljinka st. 4 and 3 Varvarka st.

Moscow Gostiny Dvor is located in 100 meters from the Kremlin, it is justly considered to be the most prestigious exhibition center of Russia. Atrium technical capabilities: about 13 thousand sq.m. of floor space roofed with transparent cupola, amphitheater with 450 seats, three-storied galleries, powerful system of climate control, possibility of connection of power units, communication systems, and water - all this give ground to consider Moscow Gostiny Dvor one of the best exhibition centers in Europe.

Image of Vassilievski Spusk square Vassilievski Spusk square is extension of Red Square.

It runs down from Pokrovsky Cathedral to Kremlyovskaya embankment.

The exposition area is more than 30 thousands of square meters.


How to get

Gostiny Dvor:

Metro station "Ploschad' Revolutsii", then on foot along Bogoyavlensky lane to Iljinka st. Metro station "Kitai-Gorod", then on foot along Iljinka st.

Vasilyevsky Spusk square:
The subway station "Ploshchad Revolyutsii", than on foot along Bogoyavlensky side street to Ilynka steet and than to Red Square and* *Vassilievski Spusk.
The subway station "Kitay-gorod", than on foot along Varvarka street and than to Vassilievski Spusk.
