Петербургский международный форум здоровья - 2025

Hotel "Saint Petersburg"

Image of Hotel

Address: 5/2 Pirogovskaya embankment, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Hotel "Saint-Petersburg" is the favourite rest place for both Russian and foreign tourists, architecture, history lovers and connoisseurs as well as those who come to Saint-Petersburg on business to take part or organize conferences, forums, exhibitions.

Hotel is located in the city center, not far from the main sightseeings of the North Capital, such as Hermitage, Russian Museum, St.Isaac's Cathedral, Summer Garden and Peter and Paul's Fortress. The windows look out on Neva river, "Avrora" cruiser.

Hotel has a parking for about one thousand cars, a restaurant, souvenir stalls; conference-hall with the capacity of 800 seats with equipment for simultaneous translation; Glass hall with the capacity of 100-120 seats, White hall with the capacity of 80-100 seats, Blue hall with the capacity of 50-60 seats; foyer has 150 sq.m.


How to get

Venue access:

From Lenin Square through Pirogovskaya embankment, rout taxi №183 and tram №3 or №6.
