АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Ice Palace of Sports

Image of Ice Palace of Sports

Address: 42, Chistopolskaya st., Kazan city, Russia.

Multipurpose cultural and sports complex. The Ice Palace is four-storey building of the total area 26 917,6 sq.m. with adjacent territory of the area 30000 sq.m. The palace is located in the new growing and the most rushing city district, on the banks of Kazanka river, opposite to the Kremlin architectural ensemble.

There are two full-fledged operating ice arenas with infrastructures independent from each other, which allows to carry out two events at the same time.

The main arena can accomodate 10000 viewers simultaneously. While performing concerts the ice arena, with the help of special covering and additional seats, can be remodelled into pit stalls with 1100 seats.

Four-side screen video cube, suspended under the roof of the complex, allows to watch what is going on on the scene from the more close distance.

Small arena provides 300 seats for viewers.

The total area of the first floor is 9626 sq.m.

On the second floor there are the entrance doors, foyer for visitors allowing viewers to walk around the hall. The total area of the second floor is 5604 sq.m. The third floor of the complex is divided into two parts; southern and northern. In the southern part there is a premise assigned for restaurant of the area 2200 sq.m. It is located so, that the visitors could watch what is going on on the main arena and enjoy the view of Kazanka river and historical part of Kazan Kremlin.

The northern part of the complex is equipped with individual compartments, designed for events visiting by companies and families. In this part of the palace the catering is also planned, to provide meals for compartment visitors. The total area of the third floor is 4599 sq.m.

The fourth floor of the palace is divided into the southern and northern parts as well. There is a VIP-zone in the southern part, where the republican leaders and their guests are invited.

The northern part of the fourth floor is allocated totally for draw-in and suction venting systems.

For visitors' comfort, during the hockey matches, concerts, and other entertaining events, a parking for 800 cars is operating on the territory adjacent to the Ice Palace from the side of Chistopolskaya st.


Venue access:

Access to the Ice Palace is by:
buses №51, №74, №74а, №75, №80, №81, №82
trolleybus №18
