CleanExpo Урал -2025
Интеграция - 2025

Hotel "Yalta-Intourist"

Image of Hotel

Address: 50, Drazhinskogo st., Yalta town, Russia.

16-storey hotel is located on the south shore of the Crimea, in the eastern surburb of Yalta - Massandra, in 1,5 kilometers from the city center, on the territory of the ancient Massandra park. The hotel is operating all the year round and can accomodate 2350 people at the same time. A lot of companies use the services of the business center of "Yalta-Intourist" hotel. Simposiums, festivals and exhibitions, business meetings are held there.


Venue access:

Simferopol (railway station) - Yalta (bus station) - 90 km. Scheduled buses, trolleybuses, rout taxis.
1. Buses "Simferopol - Yalta" (20 minutes interval)
2. Trolleybuses "Simferopol - Yalta" (30 minutes interval)
3. Rout taxis "Simferopol - Yalta" (15 minutes interval)

Simferopol (airport) - Yalta (bus station) - 100 км. Scheduled buses, rout taxis.

Yalta (bus station) - hotel "Yalta-Intourist". Bus or trolleybus №1 - bus stop "Center", bus stop "Center" (rout taxis № 34, № 12) - hotel "Yalta-Intourist".
