Металлургмаш. Литмаш. Металлоконструкции - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
Металлургмаш. Литмаш. Металлоконструкции - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

The Main Media Centre

Address: Russia, Sochi, Olympic Avenue, 1.

The Main Media is the Main Olympic information platform, where in 2014 during the 22 winter Olympic games and 11th Paralympic winter games were over 8000 media representatives. For correct operation of the press the Main Media included the international broadcasting centre and the Main press centre.

The developer building of JSC "Centre Omega" has provided all: studios, meeting rooms, hardware and all necessary auxiliary facilities for workers broadcasters, newspapers, magazines, news agencies. Moreover, spaces are grouped in several areas so that thousands of media representatives were able to work without disturbing each other. For employees to print media and employees of television and radio stations were provided with separate entrances. The separation of functional flows necessary for convenience and security purposes.

The object affects its construction volumes: the building area is 158000 square meters, the overall axial dimensions of the building - 423х394 meters. This size is comparable with twenty football pitches and seven Red squares.

The Main Media is a unique project in its technical characteristics and applied engineering solutions. Appearance and modern design of this building is to create a symbolic volume, which not only are the principles of the Olympic Games, but also provide a high level of efficiency and ease of use for media workers, guests and visitors.

The Main Media Centre is a three-storeyed building. The first level - floor for parking, technical premises, ensuring operability of all systems inside the building. Throughout the Olympic period, it was completely closed from public access. During the Olympic Games restaurants and fast food outlets, photo centre, and various utility rooms occupied a significant part of the parking lot.

At the second level are the main streets with recreation areas and main working areas of the media, as well as the premises of private agencies.

The main shopping area conveniently located on the upper level. This separation of levels provides easy access for professionals and technical personnel working during the Olympic games.

Material-technical base and convenient location of the object attract the attention of the organizers of the events, developers and investors. In the post-Olympic period, the Main Media Centre is the largest convention and exhibition venue in the Krasnodar region.
