Агротехнологии - 2025
Охота и рыболовство на Руси - 2025

Sports Complex "Olimpiysky"

Image of Sports Complex Olimpiysky Image of Sports Complex Olimpiysky

Address:Moscow, Olimpiisky avenue 16.

Sports Complex "Olimpiisky" is the largest roofed structure in the world.

Special soundproof partition consists of 26 panels and it is enough 10 - 12 hours to divide the stadium into two autonomous halls. In result it is possible to arrange sports programs and circus performances, concerts and a mass skating, exhibitions, for which service there is a press center of the floor space 430 square meters for 120 seats, conference hall, meeting room, press bar.

There is a parking for 500 cars and 250 buses.


How to get

Venue access:

Metro station "Prospekt Mira", then three minutes walk to Sports Complex "Olimpiisky".

By car:
From the outer side of Sadovoe Koltso turn onto Prospekt Mira.
