ПромтехЭКСПО - 2025
Ярмарка недвижимости. Весна - 2025

Platinum Arena

Platinum Arena

Address: 12, Dikopoltsev st., Khabarovsk, Russia.

The Platinum Arena is a multipurpose sports and entertainment complex (SEC) intended for holding:

  • sports competitions (ice hockey, volleyball, figure-skating, short-track, curling, boxing, all kinds of wrestling, basketball, ballroom dances and gymnastics)
  • concerts of the world-famous stars (opera singers, symphony orchestras, foreign and home pop stars of modern variety music)
  • circus performances
  • exhibitions and fairs, conventions, jubilee celebrations for organizations and firms, at the corporate parties about 500 quests may enjoy smorgasbord and amuse themselves in a dance pavilion fitted with the stage