Address: 629008, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district, Salekhard, St Chubynina, D. 38.
State institution Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district "Yamalo-Nenets regional Museum-exhibition complex named I.S. Shemanovsky" created in accordance with the resolution of the Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district ¹ 292 from 11 October 2002. The institution is the legal successor of the state institution "Yamalo-Nenets regional Museum of local lore. I. S. Shemanovsky" and state institution "Exhibition centre".
Museum and exhibition complex named I. S. Shemanovsky - repository of rarities, the centre of spiritual life of the region, based on the concentrated in it the values of history and culture has a special role. The integration of research, outreach and educational activities, enriching the content and forms of work paves the way for a profound qualitative change in its infrastructure.
The strategy of activities and development of MEC as a multi-cultural centre is that along with the traditional types of Museum work here was established there cultural and leisure function, involving several areas of activation of visitor: the mass rallies, industrial, artistic, and presentation of thematic exhibitions, lectures, holidays, festivals.
The complex is equipped with the most modern equipment, its engineer communications correspond the requirements. Today, MEC is increasingly becoming a symbol, a reflection of the capital of the Yamal - Nenets Autonomous district and the region, combining the depth of the "collective memory" and instant response to today queries.
Total floor space - 6900 sq. m.
Exhibition area - 2300 sq. m.
The composition of the MEC include: