Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025
CleanExpo Урал -2025

International Trade Center "Novosibirsk

Image of International Trade Center

Address: Russia, Novosibirsk, Krasny avenue, 220/10.

Exhibition Center is located on the main arterial road of the city, near metro station "Zaeltsovskaya" (1 km), in ten minutes drive to large hotels, 3 km from the central square.

It is easy to get there by any transport means.

For exhibition arrangements a pavilion with the floor space 12000 sq.m

Available floor space:
roofed - 10000 sq.m
open air - 2000 sq.m
4 conference halls (capacity 250, 100, 50 persons)


How to get

Venue access:

1. From Kalinin square
One stop (to "Siberian Yarmarka") by trolley bus № 5; buses №№ 25, 30, 1155, 1030, 1098; marshrootka - any.

2. From railway station:
Metro: 1 stop to metro station "Ploschad' Garina-Mickailovskogo", go over to the station "Krasnyi Prospekt" and go two stops to "Zaeltsovskaya" station (terminal station). The metro exit on Kalinin's square is in the direction of the "Siberian Yarmarka" or in the direction of "Gorodskoi Aeroport" (go one stop by any transport).

3. From bus station:
Any transport means in the direction Kalinin square (look in clause 1).

4. From river station:
Metro: go to metro station "Zaeltsovskaya" (look in clause 1).

5. From airport "Tolmachovo":
Buses №№ 122, 111 - to the railway station (look in clause 2).
Marshrootka: any, which goes to Kalinin's square (look in clause 1).
