Здравоохранение Дагестана - 2025

Saint Petersburg Sports and Show Complex

Image of Saint Petersburg Sports and Show Complex

Address: Saint Petersburg, Gagarin avenue, 8.

The building dimension (diameter 143 meters, height 40 meters) allows to carry out events of any level, themes and scale. The hall can accommodate up to 25000 people.

Movable tribunes and partitions give the chance to transform the arena into halls which can seat from 3 thousand to 23 thousand spectators. A combined using of the arena, foyer and square in front of the Complex is practiced. The hall opportunities allow to accompany the major event with the entertaining programs. There is a possibility of applying the light, sound equipment, decorations and so on. The hall is equipped with 4 indicator boards, sound equipment, has two screens 33x18 m., 3 stationary film projectors and theatre light. There is a press center of an international level, 7 cloak rooms, saunas, premises for organizers, judges, coaches and so on.

Refreshment rooms, bars, restaurants are functioning.


How to get

Venue access:

To the metro station "Park Pobedy", then through the park.

To the metro station "Electrosila", trolley buses №№ 24, 26, marshrootka № 24.
