IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

V.F. Gorbenko Sport Complex

Address: Russia, Kurgan city, Sibirskaya st. 1

Sport complex building includes:
- 48 x 30 meters all-purpose gym with fixed tribunes for 484 seats;
- aerobics gym 162 sq.m. in area;
- strength training gym 137 sq.m. in area;
- dancesport hall 235 sq.m. in area;
- boxing hall for two rings 256 sq.m. in area;
- wrestling hall for two carpets 580 sq.m. in area.

All gyms and halls are equipped with new modern gear. Total area of the sport complex is 5200 sq.m. One-time capacity is 169 people.

In V.F. Gorbenko Sport Complex, there is a state educational institution of additional education for children called "Regional specialized Children's and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 2" where 1050 people attend classes in 8 sport disciplines (Greco-Roman wrestling, rhythmic gymnastics, biathlon, track and field athletics, trapshooting, shooting sports, chess, billiard sport).

Forty five instructors are working with trainees four of which are honored trainers of Russia and thirteen people have the highest qualification grade.
