Здравоохранение Сибири - 2025
IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025

Ehibition Complex "T-Modul"

Image of T-Modul

Аddress: Moscow, Tishinskaya square, 1, building 1.

Exhibition Complex "T-Module" is situated in the Trade Center "Tishinka" on the third floor.

The complex ground (1500 square meters) is a multifunctional business environment, which changes depending on the arrangement carried out.
There is a cafe for 150 seats.
Next to the main hall there is a separate hall for conferences and seminars with the area of 78 square meters. Cloakroom for 1000 persons.
There is a parking in front of the trade center "Tishinka" and a roofed multiple storey car parking.


How to get

Venue access:

Metro station: "Belorusskaya-koltsevaya", exit to the Belorusskii railway station, the trolley bus stop near the drugstore 36.6, then by trolley bus N 54, the second stop - "Tishinskaya Ploschad'".
Or on foot to metro station "Belorusskaya-koltsevaya", along 2nd Brestskaya st. to Vasiljevskaya st., then along Vasiljevskaya st to Tishinskaya square.

By car: from the square of Belorussky railway station along the 2nd Brestskaya st. (one way traffic) at the second traffic light turn right onto Vasiljevskaya st., which goes to Tishinskaya square. Trading Center "Tishinka" is seen at the end of Vasiljevskaya st.
