Date | Title, short description | |
30.09 02.10.2004 |
Smak - Expo 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) The 11th Specialized exhibition |
Press release |
30.09 02.10.2004 |
Ukraine Bread 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) The 11th Specialized exhibition |
Press release |
21.09 24.09.2004 |
Posupack - Kazakhstan - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International exhibition. |
16.09 18.09.2004 |
Atyrau Food - 2004 (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) 3rd North Caspian Regional exhibition "Products of meal, drinks and packing" |
15.09 18.09.2004 |
Agroprodmash Donetsk - 2004 (Donetsk, Ukraine) International specialized exhibition |
10.09 13.09.2004 |
Prodalco EXPO - 2004 (Yerevan, Armenia) 2nd Interhational Specialized Exhibition |
07.09 09.09.2004 |
FoodExpo Kyrgyzstan - 2004 (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) The 3th International exhibition |
09.06 10.06.2004 |
Tulpar-Expo - 2004 (Astana, Kazakhstan) The 1nd Kazakhstan Exhibition |
08.06 11.06.2004 |
Belagro - 2004 (Minsk, Belarus) International Specialized Exhibition |
25.05 28.05.2004 |
FoodExpo Kazakhstan - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 10-th Annual International Food and Drinks Exhibition in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Press release |
25.05 28.05.2004 |
AgroFoodMash Kazakhstan - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) The 5th Annual International Food Processing Machinery and Technologies. |
Press release |
25.05 28.05.2004 |
ExpoPack Kazakhstan - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) The 5th Annual International Exhibition of Packaging Machinery and Technology in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Press release |
13.05 16.05.2004 |
The farm economy - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International specialized exhibition |
12.05 14.05.2004 |
Food Industry Azerbaijan - 2004 (Baku, Azerbaijan) 10th Azerbaijan International Exhibition |
21.04 23.04.2004 |
Astana Food = 2004 (Astana, Kazakhstan) 6th Kazakhstan Exhibition |
Press release |
15.04 17.04.2004 |
The Days of Food and Drinks - 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) The 5-th International Exhibition |
15.04 17.04.2004 |
InterProdMach - 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) Specialized Exhibition |
15.04 17.04.2004 |
Meat and milk industry - 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) Specialized Exhibition |
14.04 16.04.2004 |
Equipment. Tare. Packing. - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) The 1-st International Kazakhstan Exhibition |
14.04 16.04.2004 |
Product market Kazakhstan 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) The 6-th International Kazakhstan Exhibition |
14.04 16.04.2004 |
Sweets - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) The 6-th International Kazakhstan Exhibition |
14.04 16.04.2004 |
Sharap-Wine - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) The 6-th International Kazakhstan Exhibition |
06.04 09.04.2004 |
Flowers. Seeds. Garden - 2004 (Minsk, Belarus) 4-th International Specialized Exhibition - Fair of Flowers, Plants, garden and park Furniture, Equipment and Materials for Gardering |
06.04 09.04.2004 |
KazUpack - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 2-nd International exhibition |
Press release |
01.04 03.04.2004 |
Interfood Uzbekistan 2004 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) The 4-th International Exhibition "Products of a feed, drinks, packing and technologies" |
25.03 28.03.2004 |
AgroProm - 2004 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition. |
12.02 15.02.2004 |
Garden - 2004 (Kharkov, Ukraine) The 7-th specialized exhibition |
12.02 14.02.2004 |
Delicacies and deserts - 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) II specialized exhibition-fair |
10.02 13.02.2004 |
ProdEXPO - 2004 (Lvov, Ukraine) The 12th International Exhibition-Fair |
05.02 07.02.2004 |
Wine and winemaking - 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) 4th International Exhibition-Simposium |
05.02 07.02.2004 |
High degree - 2004 (Odessa, Ukraine) 3rd International Exhibition-Simposium |
02.12 05.12.2003 |
Belproduct - 2003 (Minsk, Belarus) International Specialized Exhibition |
18.11 20.11.2003 |
ExpoPack Uzbekistan - 2003 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) International Exhibition |
18.11 20.11.2003 |
AgroFoodMash Uzbekistan - 2003 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) International Exhibition |
18.11 20.11.2003 |
FoodExpo Uzbekistan - 2003 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) International Exhibition of food and drinks |
12.11 15.11.2003 |
Sweets - 2003 (Kiev, Ukraine) The 9th specialized trade fair of confectionery products. |
04.11 07.11.2003 |
All World of Foods - 2003 (Kiev, Ukraine) International forum |
29.10 01.11.2003 |
WorldFood Kazakhstan - 2003 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 6th Central Asian International Exhibition "FOOD INDUSTRY" |
28.10 30.10.2003 |
AgroPack - 2003 (Astana, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition. Packing. |
16.10 18.10.2003 |
AgroProdExpo - 2003 (Astana, Kazakhstan) The 6th International exhibition |
09.10 11.10.2003 |
ProdMashExpo - 2003 (Odessa, Ukraine) International exhibition |
30.09 03.10.2003 |
KazChemExpo - 2003 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) The 3-d international specialized exhibition |
30.09 03.10.2003 |
Landscape architecture and design - 2003 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 1-st international specialized exhibition |
30.09 03.10.2003 |
The farm - 2003 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International specialized exhibition |
30.09 03.10.2003 |
Farmer of Kazakhstan - 2003 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 1-st international specialized exhibition |
12.09 15.09.2003 |
EXPO Food & Drinks - 2003 (Yerevan, Armenia) 1st Specialized Exhibition |
02.09 05.09.2003 |
Inprodmash & Upakovka - 2003 (Kiev, Ukraine) The 12th International specialized exhibition of equipment, technologies for food and processing industry, packing equipment and materials |
20.05 23.05.2003 |
FoodExpo Kazakhstan - 2003 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition of food and drinkable produce |
14.05 17.05.2003 |
Alco+Soft - 2003 (Kiev, Ukraine) 8th Specialized Exhibition of Drinks |
23.04 25.04.2003 |
Food Industry - 2003 (Baku, Azerbaijan) The 9-th international exhibition |