Date | Title, short description | |
10.10 18.10.2009 |
Feria General - 2009 (Zaragoza, Spain) Consumer Goods Exhibition |
14.10 15.10.2009 |
Ostlandske Storhusholdning - 2009 (Hamar, Norway) Exhibition of Products and Public Catering Enterprises |
14.10 16.10.2009 |
Iberflora - 2009 (Valencia, Spain) International Fair of Gardening, Floristics and Landscape Design |
15.10 18.10.2009 |
Hobby Autumn - 2009 (Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic) Specialized Exhibition of Goods for Home and Leisure |
15.10 17.10.2009 |
Gastro-Tech - 2009 (Kielce, Poland) Specialized Fair of Bakery Equipment and Processing Industry |
15.10 18.10.2009 |
Chocofest - 2009 (Zaragoza, Spain) Chocolate Exhibition |
15.10 18.10.2009 |
Ridesport - 2009 (Odense, Denmark) Exhibition of Goods for Horse Care, Transport, Fodders, Equipment |
16.10 18.10.2009 |
Pferdemesse Alpen-Adria - 2009 (Klagenfurt, Austria) Horse Trade Fair, Festival of Nature and Animal Enthusiasts |
16.10 18.10.2009 |
"Alska Mat - 2009 (Malmo, Sweden) Specialized Exhibition of Foodstuffs and Drinks |
16.10 19.10.2009 |
Megavino - 2009 (Bruxelles, Belgium) Specialized Wine Fair |
16.10 18.10.2009 |
Wining & Dining - 2009 (Arhus, Denmark) Specialized Fair of Wine and Foodstuffs |
17.10 19.10.2009 |
NATEXPO - 2009 (Paris, France) Exhibition of Natural Food and Cosmetics |
20.10 22.10.2009 |
HORECA - 2009 (Prague, Czech Republic) International Trade Fair for Hotel and Catering Business |
20.10 22.10.2009 |
CFIA Metz - 2009 (Metz, France) Exhibition of Food Industry Suppliers |
21.10 22.10.2009 |
URBAN SNACK & FOOD - 2009 (Barcelona, Spain) Exhibition of Foodstuffs |
21.10 24.10.2009 |
KoneAgria - 2009 (Jyvaskyla, Finland) Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment |
23.10 25.10.2009 |
Alimenta - 2009 (Albacete, Spain) 12th Food Fair |
23.10 25.10.2009 |
Cuisinez - 2009 (Paris, France) Gastronomic Fair |
23.10 24.10.2009 |
Food Ingredients India (FI India) - 2009 (Mumbai, India) International Food Ingredients Exhibition |
23.10 25.10.2009 |
Autotardor - 2009 (Mollerussa, Spain) Fair of Agricultural Machinery, Cars and Trucks |
23.10 25.10.2009 |
Natura Food - 2009 (Lodz, Poland) International Fair of Foodstuffs and Drinks |
23.10 24.10.2009 |
Ceska vystava drobneho zvirectva - 2009 (Litomerzhitse, Czech Republic) Specialized Exhibition of Small Animal Breeding |
24.10 25.10.2009 |
GOLEBIE - 2009 (Gdansk, Poland) International Fair of Pigeons |
26.10 27.10.2009 |
Elmia Local Produce - 2009 (Jonkoping, Sweden) Specialized Fair of Local Agricultural Products |
28.10 31.10.2009 |
Worldwide Food Expo - 2009 (Chicago, United States) Largest Food Processing and Packaging Exhibition in North America |
28.10 30.10.2009 |
The Annual Veterinary Conference - 2009 (Helsinki, Finland) Conference and Exhibition Organized by the Finnish Veterinary Association |
28.10 01.11.2009 |
Flower Autumn - 2009 (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) Specialized Exhibition of Flowers, Ornamental Plants, Garden Equipment and Supplies |
30.10 02.11.2009 |
Countryside - 2009 (Gent, Belgium) Specialized Exhibition |
30.10 01.11.2009 |
EXOTIKA - 2009 (Lisa nad Labem, Czech Republic) Specialized Exhibition of Exotic Birds and Plants |
30.10 01.11.2009 |
Expogalaecia - 2009 (Vigo, Spain) Specialized Exhibition |
31.10 15.11.2009 |
Arts Menagers - 2009 (Charleroi, Belgium) International Exhibition of Household Goods and Electrical Appliances |
04.11 05.11.2009 |
FoodFair - 2009 (Tallinn, Estonia) International Food Fair |
04.11 08.11.2009 |
ADANA TARIM - 2009 (Adana, Turkey) Exhibition of Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Industries |
04.11 05.11.2009 |
EXPO DULCE - 2009 (Madrid, Spain) Exhibition of Confectionery |
04.11 06.11.2009 |
Fruit Attraction - 2009 (Madrid, Spain) Professional Exhibition of Fruit and Vegetable Industry |
04.11 05.11.2009 |
EXPO ETNICA - 2009 (Madrid, Spain) Specialized Exhibition of Foodstuffs |
04.11 05.11.2009 |
Marca Blanca - 2009 (Madrid, Spain) 3rd Spanish International Exhibition of Food, Beverages, Packing |
06.11 08.11.2009 |
Green Weekend - 2009 (Helsinki, Finland) The Green Weekend Brings Together Four Different Fairs: ELMA Helsinki Food and Countryside Show, Helsinki Forest Fair, Arts&Crafts Fair, Do It Yourself Fair |
06.11 08.11.2009 |
Wining & Dining - 2009 (Copenhagen, Denmark) Fair of Wine and Foodstuffs |
06.11 08.11.2009 |
Allt f"or H"alsan - 2009 (Stockholm, Sweden) Exhibition "Everything for Health" |
06.11 09.11.2009 |
Salon Alpin de L'Hotellerie et des Metiers de Bouche - 2009 (Albertville, France) Hotel Industry and Catering Exhibition |
06.11 15.11.2009 |
Floralies de Bourg-en-Bresse - 2009 (Bourg-en-Bresse, France) Specialized Flower Show |
06.11 08.11.2009 |
Agrotur - 2009 (Barcelona, Spain) National Exhibition of Rural Tourism |
06.11 08.11.2009 |
Det Goda Koket - 2009 (Stockholm, Sweden) Consumer Exhibition of Food, Beverages, and Cookware |
07.11 11.11.2009 |
Alles fur den Gast Herbst - 2009 (Salzburg, Austria) International Trade Fair for Catering and Hotel Industries |
07.11 08.11.2009 |
Salon de la Nature et de la Basse-Cour - 2009 (Metz, France) Exhibition of Goods and Services for Agricultural Live Stock Breeding and Poultry Farming |
08.11 11.11.2009 |
Gaste - 2009 (Leipzig, Germany) International Specialized Exhibition for Restaurant, Hotel Business and Catering Facilities |
10.11 12.11.2009 |
Halal Expo - 2009 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) Exhibition of Halal Products |
10.11 14.11.2009 |
Agritechnica - 2009 (Hannover, Germany) International DLG Exhibition for Agricultural Machinery |
11.11 14.11.2009 |
Interfood & Drink - 2009 (Sofia, Bulgaria) International Specialised Exhibition of Foodstuff, Drinks, Packing, Equipment and Technologies |