Date | Title, short description | |
24.04 26.04.2009 |
MARCHFELD MESSE - 2009 (Strasshof, Austria) International Trade Fair of Consumer Goods |
24.04 26.04.2009 |
Eden - 2009 (Lublin, Poland) 5th Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Equipment for Garden Plots |
24.04 26.04.2009 |
EQUIBOURGOGNE - 2009 (Saulieu, France) Exhibition of Horses and Goods for Equestrian Sport |
24.04 26.04.2009 |
Stora Varm"assan - 2009 (Sundsvall, Sweden) Big Spring Fair |
24.04 28.04.2009 |
Bakepol - 2009 (Kielce, Poland) Specialized Fair of Confectionery Industry |
24.04 26.04.2009 |
Wiosenna Wystawa Ogrodnictwa - 2009 (Krakow, Poland) Specialized Exhibition of Horticulture |
25.04 26.04.2009 |
Garden - 2009 (Szczecin, Poland) Fair of Goods and Accessories for Garden and Kitchen Garden |
26.04 28.04.2009 |
ESPAIDOLC - 2009 (Valencia, Spain) 1st International Trade Fair for Bakery and Confectionery Industry |
26.04 28.04.2009 |
Vinoelite - 2009 (Valencia, Spain) Specialized Fine Wines Fair |
27.04 29.04.2009 |
Euroagro Fruits - 2009 (Valencia, Spain) International Fair for Production of Fruits and Vegetables, Technologies and Services |
28.04 30.04.2009 |
European Seafood Exposition - 2009 (Bruxelles, Belgium) European Seafood Exhibition |
28.04 30.04.2009 |
Wine&Spirits - 2009 (Prague, Czech Republic) International Trade Fair of Beverages and Foodstuffs |
28.04 30.04.2009 |
Seafood Processing Europe - 2009 (Bruxelles, Belgium) Specialized Exhibition of Seafood - Suppliers, New Trends in Industry and Technologies |
01.05 03.05.2009 |
Salon du Cheval - 2009 (Ciney, Belgium) Specialized Exhibition for Equestrian Sport |
05.05 07.05.2009 |
Fenavin - 2009 (Toledo, Spain) Spanish Wine Trade Fair |
06.05 09.05.2009 |
HOFEX - 2009 (Hong Kong, China) 13th Asian International Exhibition of Food & Drink, Hotel, Restaurant & Foodservice Equipment, Supplies & Services |
07.05 10.05.2009 |
Balkan Modus Nutriendi - 2009 (Tirana, Albania) International Fair of Agro-Alimentary Industry |
08.05 10.05.2009 |
Elaiotechnia - 2009 (Athens, Greece) Specialized Exhibition on Production and Processing of Olive Oil and Olives |
09.05 10.05.2009 |
Kruiden-en Natuurdagen - 2009 (Hasselt, Belgium) Specialized Fair. Everything for Garden and Kitchen Garden |
09.05 10.05.2009 |
VETMEDICA - 2009 (Lodz, Poland) Specialized Fair of Veterinary Medicine |
11.05 15.05.2009 |
Bta. Barcelona tecnolog'ias de la alimentaci'on - 2009 (Barcelona, Spain) Exhibition of Food Technologies |
12.05 17.05.2009 |
International Consumer Goods and Technologies Fair - 2009 (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) International Fair of Consumer Goods and Technologies |
12.05 17.05.2009 |
Fudteh - 2009 (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) 15th International Exhibition of Traditional Food Products, Equipment and Technology |
13.05 17.05.2009 |
Hobby - 2009 (Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic) Specialized Exhibition of Goods for Home and Leisure |
16.05 19.05.2009 |
NRA Show - 2009 (Chicago, United States) Major Restaurant and Hotel Business Show |
17.05 20.05.2009 |
Interfood - 2009 (Goteborg, Sweden) Exhibition of Foodstuffs and Drinks |
18.05 21.05.2009 |
DJAZAGRO - 2009 (Algeria, Algeria) International Exhibition of Foodstuffs, Drinks, Packaging Equipment |
19.05 21.05.2009 |
Sial China - 2009 (Shanghai, China) 10th International Exhibition of Food Products and Specialized Equipment |
20.05 22.05.2009 |
IFE Poland - 2009 (Warsaw, Poland) International Fair of Foodstuffs, Drinks and Equipment for Hotel and Catering Business |
21.05 24.05.2009 |
Eurocarne - 2009 (Verona, Italy) International Exhibition of Meat Processing and Meat Products |
21.05 24.05.2009 |
Expo Gateway to Iraq - 2009 (Gaziantep, Turkey) 4th Iraq International Fair |
21.05 24.05.2009 |
Dum a zahrada Liberec - 2009 (Liberec, Czech Republic) Specialized Exhibition of Equipment for Gardeners, Building Materials, Furniture and Accessories |
21.05 24.05.2009 |
Pferd Wels - 2009 (Wels, Austria) International Horse Show |
21.05 24.05.2009 |
Expovicaman - 2009 (Albacete, Spain) 29th Fair of Agriculture and Animal Breeding |
24.05 30.05.2009 |
Natura Viva - 2009 (Lisa nad Labem, Czech Republic) Annual International Exhibition of Hunting, Fishing, Beekeeping, and Gardening |
25.05 26.05.2009 |
Organic Marketing Forum - 2009 (Warsaw, Poland) International Conference for Market Producers of Organic Products and Raw Materials |
28.05 31.05.2009 |
Equina Costablanca - 2009 (Alicante, Spain) International Horse Exhibition |
28.05 31.05.2009 |
Aquarama and Zoorama - 2009 (Singapore, Singapore) International Aquarium Fish & Accessories Exhibition and Conference |
28.05 31.05.2009 |
Skanem"assan - 2009 (Malmo, Sweden) Specialized Fair of Consumer Goods |
29.05 31.05.2009 |
AGROSILESIA - 2009 (Sosnowiec, Poland) Fair of Agriculture and Forestry |
29.05 01.06.2009 |
Expo Pack - 2009 (Athens, Greece) Specialized Exhibition of Packaging Industry |
29.05 31.05.2009 |
Summer Garden Festival - 2009 (Riga, Latvia) International Flower and Garden Exhibition-Fair |
30.05 01.06.2009 |
Murcia Gourmet - 2009 (Murcia, Spain) Specialized Exhibition of Foodstuffs, Wine and Equipment for Hotels |
30.05 31.05.2009 |
Agro-Park - 2009 (Lublin, Poland) 2nd Agricultural Exhibition-Fair |
30.05 07.06.2009 |
Dult - 2009 (Salzburg, Austria) Specialized Exhibition |
02.06 05.06.2009 |
Alitec - 2009 (Kasablanka, Morocco) 11th International Food Technology Exhibition |
03.06 05.06.2009 |
Wine & Spirits - 2009 (Warsaw, Poland) International Fair of Alcoholic Drinks |
04.06 06.06.2009 |
WinExpo Georgia - 2009 (Tbilisi, Georgia) 3rd International Exhibition for Wines and Spirits |
05.06 07.06.2009 |
BIOTERRA - 2009 (Irun, Spain) Exhibition of Organic Farming and Environmental Protection |
05.06 07.06.2009 |
Opolagra - 2009 (Opole, Poland) Specialized Agricultural Exhibition |