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AdExpo - 2002

Attention! The event is over.

International exhibition of visual advertising.

Date: 16.04.2002 - 19.04.2002 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: AdExpo

Topic: Advertising and Publishing Activities


"AdExpo" exhibition differs a lot from all Russian advertising exhibitions. The newest ad techniques will be displayed in maximum real life conditions.

Advertising is an integral part of a city, we see it at every corner of every street. "AdExpo" exhibition will give the participants an opportunity to show all the ideas, technologies, solutions in the sphere of the visual advertising in an almost real city with its streets, buildings, restaurants, shops and mini exhibitions...

The Exhibition will be extremely comfortable for guests, who would see through their own eyes the way various kinds of advertising are maintaining the city atmosphere. Besides, all the guests will be registered and would be able to get all the necessary information and cooperation proposals of the "AdExpo" participants in the future .

One of the main tasks of Exhibition's organizers is not to set up the meeting place for the ad men and sponsors, but to set up a big show and a starting point for new advertising technologies.

On the 22nd of November in the "Gostiny Dvor" of Moscow this project was presented to the potential participants and journalists. Before the Presentation some details of the Exhibition were kept in secret. On the same day, after the Presentation the official registration of the "AdExpo-2002" participants has started.

There are several preliminary agreements with Russian and foreign companies have been reached already.


We have got used. We use steady dogmata to promote our products, and still call this "advertising".

A standard advertiser set consists of plain TV and radio commercials, plain newspaper unit, plain booklet, plain road boards 3x6...

Advertising agencies feel comfortable - they do not have to sell new, non-standardised advertising products, make efforts to implement new techniques. But everything changes. And this is noticeable.

What is not clear for advertisers - businessmen who are operating on the "difficult" market of Russia have no time (or sometimes do not have enough money) for visiting foreign ad exhibitions where the most advanced ad techniques are being displayed. Advertisers just give their money to ad agencies which continue their drive along the old track.

Organizers of various ad exhibitions know well that it is much easier to sell a plain standard product and periodically organise so called "fair-sales" of ad campaigns.

Expansion of foreign ad companies which has got "the second breath" now, is accompanied by massive ad campaigns.There is nothing strange that managers of foreign companies who passed the period of confidence in "the specific character of Russian mentality", started to wonder why advertising is so trivial in Russia?

Foreign managers were the exact persons who inspired Stephen Fishman to organise innovative exhibition dedicated to advertising techniques. Stephen Fishman is a famous professional in the sphere of advertising and has been working in Russia for 10 years. Even before the "AdEXpo" company was registered a number of foreign ad companies had confirmed their participation in the exhibition. The most part of these companies have never been represented on the Russian market.

Open sale of the places of the "AdExpo 2002" Exhibition starts today but organizers are bothered with a problem of the proper number of available places...


It is not easy to show something new on a plain exhibition stand. Harder if you deal with the visual advertising. A visitor is unable to appreciate effectiveness and effect of proposed ad ideas without seeing them in real city conditions.

At the "AdExpo 2002" it would be for the first time the words of Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov become true. Mr.Luzhkov says that "Gostiny Dvor" must serve as the "covered city square, the main social and cultural place of Moscow".

"AdExpo" is almost a real city. Streets, blocks, main square, shops, restaurants...

Unlike other exhibitions "AdEXpo" will have a lot of non-commercial places. Among them are mini exhibitions dedicated to old Russian, Soviet, foreign advertising with unique exhibits many of which have never been exposed in Russia; rooms for seminars where foreign ad experts could exchange experience with their Russian colleagues.v

And many more. It may be that the Exhibition structure would be changed before the opening day. The motto of the organizers is "innovation and dynamism", that is why all the reasonable proposals regarding "AdEXpo" must be realised even if they would be made on the opening day.

As it has been described before,a lot of leading ad companies from all over the world will take part in the exhibition for the first time in the Russian history . Last time the foreign ad companies entered the Russian market was in the early 90's when the communist principle "to get and share" was broken. Nowadays interest of the foreign ad companies towards the Russian market increased - they clearly understand that market as large as this would never be "wild" again.

At the same time famous Russian ad companies will be presented which understand the importance of implementing new advertising techniques. Having decided to take part in the Exhibition these companies rely upon close relationships with foreign colleagues and advertisers who possess the most modern techniques.


The idea of "AdExpo" organization belongs to several foreign companies which are steady partners of the Exhibition's General Director, Mr.Stephen Fishman. Stephen had no problem with financial part of the deal because the exhibition area had been paid before the official registration of the exhibitors started. The appearence of "Imperial Tobacco" company as the general sponsor let to make a real show out of the simple exhibition event.

The "Shater" trading house, the managing body of the "Gostiny Dvor" complex, was impressed by the idea of "AdExpo" and provided all necessary things to prepare and realise the project. To speed the process up an office on the territory of the "Gostiny Dvor" has been lent to the "AdExpo" crew.

But for sure the chief inspirer of the Exhibition is Stephen Fishman. Showbiz and advertising tightly entwined with his life. Now he says that these things are the same. Stephen considers innovations and implementation of new ideas and technologies are the basis of modern advertising. And confirms that with his own experience.

The wide spread and popular nowadays "promotional girls" ad system first was used over 30 years ago by Stephen who had invented it for the "Revlon" company ad campaign. "SuperSpike", established by Stephen was a pioneer in the sphere of massive sponsorship sport events. The enumeration of all successful projects carried out by Mr.Fishman in the UK and other countries would take more than a page.

Mr.Fishman came to Russia at the very moment when the country had just started its resurrection getting rid of Communist ideology. He has been invited by Mr. Piotrovsky, President of the "Hermitage" museum (St.Petersburg). Thanks to Mr.Fishman support the "Hermitage managed to get 350 thousand US dollars from the" Coca-Cola" company. This money was spent to build the old paintings restoration studio. Later (after the citizens of St.Petersburg voted to give back this historical name to their city instead of "Leningrad") with the sponsorship support from Stephen the programme of changing street and road signs has been realised. This too was an innovation because before Stephen an idea to change the road signs at commercial companies' account had never occurred to nobody.

Stephen Fishman himself is able to tell about his projects. He recalls all the details: both successes and failures. Stephen knows how to carry any person away by theme of advertising and will be able to carry away thousands of the "AdEXpo 2002" Exhibition visitors.


address: Moscow, ulitsa Ilinka 4, office 22-b

telephone : (7-095) 298-0847, (7-095) 298-0850

fax: (7-095) 298-0842

e-mail: info@adexpo.ru

web: www.adexpo.ru


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