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Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

AgroUral - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

3rd International Specialized Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Technologies

Date: 10.03.2015 - 12.03.2015 

City: Perm - information about city

Holder: Perm Expo Exhibition Association

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Perm Fair"

The exhibition called "AgroUral" in "Perm Fait" expo center is a unique specialized project for a true and effective collaboration of agricultural manufacturers, suppliers and regional governments, a significant congress-exhibition event in the sphere of agriculture of Perm region.

The most up-to-date topics are discussed and decisions important for the region are made at the exhibition. Participation in the exhibition allows to find new clients and new channels on the territory of Perm region, establish contacts with regional government representatives.

An unquestionable advantage of the project is its time frame - prior to Spring-Summer season, which guarantees a maximum interest of target audience and real sales directly at the exhibition.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Agricultural machinery: combines, tractors, planting and harvesting equipment, cargo trailers, tanks, spare parts and components for agricultural machines
  • Equipment for primary processing, sorting and storing plant growing products
  • Equipment and technologies for animal husbandry
  • Equipment and technologies for poultry farming
  • Equipment for slaughter, primary processing and storage of products of animal and poultry husbandry
  • Mixed fodders, veterinary means
  • Selection in animal and poultry husbandry
  • Construction and design of buildings and structures for agricultural purpose
  • Fertilizers, chemical agents, protection agents
  • Services for agroindustrial enterprises (crediting, leasing, insurance)

Additional information:
