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Agroindustrial Complex. Homestead Land - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

19th Specialized Exhibition of Agricultural Machines

Date: 09.02.2010 - 11.02.2010 

City: Volgograd - information about city

Holder: Tsarician fair

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry

"Agroindustrial Complex. Homestead Land - 2010" exhibition news, 05-Feb-2010

Announce: On February 9 - 11, in Volgograd, the 19th Specialized Exhibition of Agricultural Machines "Agroindustrial Complex. Homestead Land - 2010" will be held.

On February 9 - 11, in Volgograd, the 19th Specialized Exhibition of Agricultural Machines "Agroindustrial Complex. Homestead Land - 2010" will be held.

Exhibition organizers:

  • Volgograd Region Government
  • Committee on Agriculture and Food of the Volgograd Region Government
  • Exhibition center "Tsaritsyn Fair"

A large number of financial analysts and commentators think that the 2010 will be the year of the rocovery for the most of commercial enterprises, including those engaged in agriculture. In view of these forecasts, the agricultural workers mobilization and uniting the efforts for operational solutions to the existing problems and consolidation of the national agricultural industry are of great importance.

The annual interregional specialized exhibitions "Agroindustrial Complex" and "Farmstead. Garden. Kitchen Garden. Estate" play an important role in this processes. The exhibitions are traditionally held with the support of the Committee on Agriculture and Food of the Volgograd Region Government and attract direct interest of the agroindustrial complex specialists in the Volgograd Region and in the neighbouring regions.

This year, the agricultural workers, specialists, scientists will be brought together at the scientific and practical seminars within the exhibition framework. Among them are the seminars dedicated to the plant protection means, application of plant growth promoters, and technologies of precision farming, equipment and technologies for ozone cultivation, renewable energy sources. There will also be an excursion to the demonstration zone of non-traditional sources of power efficiency and renewable power sources.

There are among the exhibitors:

  1. "NPK Uralvagonzavod" Ltd., Nizhni Tagil - production of agricultural machines
  2. "Buinsk Mechanical Engineering Plant" Ltd., Buinsk - production and sale of agricultural machines
  3. "Agro" Ltd., Kemerovo - production and sale of agricultural machines, spare parts
  4. "Eurotekhnika" CJSC, Samara - production of agricultural machines
  5. "Gomselmash-Yug" Ltd., Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar Region - sale of agricultural machines
  6. "AgroMir" Ltd., Volzhsky, Volgograd Region - sale of agricultural machines, spare parts, and satellite equipment, as well as service delivery
  7. "TD Aliance - RTI" Ltd., Volzhsky, Volgograd Region - sale of spare parts and general mechanical rubber goods for agricultural machines and automotive vehicles
  8. "Kaluzhsky Dvigatel" OJSC, Kaluga - production of agricultural mini-machines, production of gas turbine engines
  9. "Nyuans", Volgograd, Volgograd Region - wholesale and retail trade for walk-behind tractors, tillage machines
  10. "RossicH" Ltd., Murom, Vladimir Region - production of multifanctional tillage electric cultivator Muravey
  11. "Agrotekh", Lugansk, Ukraine - grain cleaning machinery
  12. "Development Design Office for Heat Generators" Ltd., Bryansk, Bryansk Region - production and installation of grain drying equipment, grain elevators
  13. "Expert-Agro" Ltd., Voronezh - production of grain cleaning machinery, building and reconstruction of grain cleaning complexes ZAV, KZS
  14. "Biomer" Ltd., Novosibirsk - production and sale of laboratory control and measuring devices and equipment
  15. "TD VolgaVes" Ltd., Volgograd, Volgograd Region - production and sale of weighing equipment
  16. "AVÇ "Kubanvesservis" Ltd., Armavir - production, sale, and modernization of electronic scales
  17. European Transport Systems, Dinskaya Station, Krasnodar Region - production of different materials transportation systems
  18. "InvestBaltStroy" Ltd., Kursk, Kursk Region - small architecture
  19. "Onix", Moscow - gardening stock
  20. "Fito" Ltd., Moscow Region, Leninsk District - production of green-house facilities
  21. "Bashinkom" Ltd., Ufa - production and wholesale trade of biological fertilizers
  22. "Soyuzagrokhimtorg" Ltd., Moscow - wholesale trade of agricultural chemicals
  23. "Trading House "Nest M" Ltd., Moscow - production of natural preparations for agriculture
  24. "Yug-Packing" Ltd., Krasnodar - production of packing for vegetables and fruits, drip irrigation
  25. "Agro-Pack" Ltd., Moscow - packing for seeds and plants
  26. "Modern Production Systems" Ltd., Krasnodar - production of transplantings for gardens and vineyards
  27. "Bertoservice" Ltd., Moscow - representative office in Russia and CIS countries of Italian manufacturer of pumping equipment "Idromeccanica Bertolini S.p.A"
  28. "Shar" Ltd., St. Petersburg - production of polymeric materials
  29. "Agro-Aliance" Ltd., Kotelnikovo, Volgograd Region - wholesale trade of fertilizers and plant protection means
  30. "Trading House "Geksa-Yug" Ltd., Rostov-on-Don - wholesale trade of covering materials "Agrotex"
  31. "Agro-Ital-Service" Ltd., Krymsk, Krasnodar Region - sale of industrial green-houses, agricultural machines and equipment from Italy
  32. "Moskovskie Ozonatory" CJSC, Moscow - production of ozonation plants; "European Transport Systems - Kuban" Ltd., Krasnodar Region, Dinskaya Station - production of equipment for grain elevators and flour mills
  33. "Athens-Volga" CJSC, Mikhailovka, Volgograd Region - production and realization of compound feed and protein and vitamin mineral additives

A special place in the exhibitions' business program takes the industrial competition - "Gold Medal of Tsaritsyn Fair" - in different nominations. The competition aim is to promote new technologies, support the positive image of the manufacturing companies, attract investments in our region. From year to year is increasing the number of enterprises, which received the medal - the sign of the professionals' confidence and the prove of the quality and reliability of the products.


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