Venue: International Exhibition Center
Exhibition Sections:
- Agricultural machines, equipment, and spare parts for them
- Second-hand agricultural machines and equipment
- Machines for irrigation and drainage
- Mechanical means for small agricultural enterprises, farms, summer house land plots
- Equipment for food processing industry
- Modern technologies of production, harvesting, storage of crops, packing for agricultural products
- Agricultural facilities building, warehouses and warehousing equipment
- Fodder production (technologies and equipment), preparation and storage of fodder
- Up-to-date feeding of live stock and poultry, concentrates, premixes, fodder and vitamin additives
- Gardening, wine growing, hothouse facilities, environmental aspects of technology in plant growing, irrigation, modern seed breeding system
- Biotechnologies, agricultural raw stuff and products quality control
- Agroecology
- Technologies of protected ground
- Environmentally safe means of plants protection and their application technologies
- Modern technologies and equipment for growing, care, and keeping in livestock breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping
- Genetics and selection in plant growing and live stock breeding
- Veterinary medicine and biopreparations
- Agricultural science and educations