The 8th Russian Agricultural Exhibition is held annually in October on the territory of the
All-Russian Exhibition Center within the framework of the Russian Agricultural week. Place: Russia, Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Centre (VVC).
Pavilions: 70, 69, 63, 57, 55, 43, 37, 33, 20, 7, pavilion "Animal Breeding", tent pavilions, open area. Organizers:
Exhibition Sections:
- Realization of National project "Agrarian and Industrial Complex Development"
- Food complex of Russia Regions
- Food stuffs
- Agricultural machinery
- Animal industries equipment
- Food and food-processing industries equipment
- Livestock breeding
- Plant growing
- Agrochemistry and plant protection means
- Veterinary science. Forages
- Exposition "National collective stands of foreign countries"
- Exposition "Rural territories development"
- Exposition "Small forms of managing"
- Exposition "Bioenergy and bioproduction"