Venue: Tumen, Sevastopolskaya st., 12, Exhibition hall.
Exhibition sections:
- processing, packaging, transporting and storing machinery and equipment:
- milk and milk products,
- meat and meat products,
- fish and marine products,
- grain, flour, bakery and confectionery products,
- oil-bearing plants, plant oils,
- fruits and vegetables, canned goods,
- starch,
- sugar,
- tobacco,
- distillery, beer and soft-drinks production,
- coffee;
- packaging materials and equipment;
- baby nutrition production equipment;
- refrigerating, freezing anf compressor equipment;
- metring and weghting equipment;
- flour-grinding, macaroni-producting, bakery and confectionery equipment;
- trading and public catering, food warehouses and basesequipment;
- cafe, bar, restaraunt, publi catering interior and equipment:
- equipment and accessories
- lightning and sanitary engineering,
- dishery;
- ecologically safe technologies in agroindustrial complex;
- ingredients, food additives
Working schedule:
Official exhibition opening - October 25, 11.00
Press conferences - October 28, 11.00
Working days - )ctober 25-28
Exhibition working hours - 10.00-17.00
Exposition dismantling and removal - Oct 28, 14.00