CPM - Collection Premiere Moscow - 2025

Airport Industry - 2006 Conference

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The 3th International conference "Airport industry"

Date: 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: ITE Group

Topic: Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Conference "Airport Industry 2006" is the key forum for the leaders and operators of the aviation industry held within the International Exhibition "Airport Industry 2006".

The conference gathers together the main players of the Russian aviation business, representatives of the biggest western airports and industry associations, giving the participants a chance to obtain "at first hand" the latest information about innovations and new developments in the aviation sector as well as to exchange experience and discuss topical problems of the industry.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Perspectives and strategic development of the aviation sector in Russia
  • Investment potential of the industry. Attracting investments to the reconstruction of airports
  • Western airports' experience: current situation and cooperation perspectives
  • Russian success stories in reconstruction and modernization of airports
  • Technical upgrade of airports, production of the leading airport equipment manufacturers, equipment leasing
  • Airport infrastructure
  • Experience of the world airlines on the Russian market
  • Airport certification, compliance with international standards

Presentations given by:
Heads of biggest Russian airports
Heads of regional Russian airports
Heads of leading European airport-hubs
Key Russian and western banks - leaders on investment market
Representatives of investment funds
Representatives of international airport associations
Representatives of Federal Ministries of Russia

The delegates of the conference are airports of Russia, aviation & airport equipment vendors, representatives of the well-known airlines, service companies and research and development organizations.


Additional information:
