Venue: Football Manege, 20/2, Pobediteley Avenue, Minsk, Byelorussia.
Exhibition Sections:
- Water:
- water supply, treatment, drainage
- water treatment (industrial and household filters and systems of water purification; hydrants, reagents, absorbents; technologies)
- pumps and pumping equipment
- waste water treatment and disinfection
- resources saving and nature protective technologies
- environmental monitoring
- analytical devices and automated management systems
- scientific and research projects and developments
- natural, table, mineral, therapeutic and ecologically pure water
- bottled water
- Air:
- air conditioners (automobile air conditioners, domestic air conditioners, semi-industrial and multi-zonal air conditioners)
- venting and fans (household fans, venting installations, air offtakes)
- heaters (infrared heaters, fireplaces, halogenic and carboniferous heaters, convectors, heat fans)
- centralized air conditioning
- air humidifying, drying, cleaning, ionizing (air cleaners, humidifiers, dryers, ionizers)
- refrigerating equipment