Venue: Saint-Petersburg, Petersburg SCC, Yu. Gagarina pr., 8.
Exhibition subjects:
- Enterprise management automatization
- Creation technologies: consulting, system integration, business-process analysis and reengineering, management standards realization. Integration. Internet- and Intranet-technologies
- Enterprise-scaled ACS (MRP, ERP etc.)
- Enterprise information resources: questing-answering and analytic systems, databanks and databases, archives
- Manufacturing and industry infrastructure control automatization
- IACS, production conrol, produce quality control
- Supply, selling, warehouse and marketing control, logisics, CRM, B2B, B2C systems, sites; portals, Internet representation
- Area, building and quarters AS. "Intelligent" buildings. Energy, gas, heat and water supply, engineering network exploitation, fire-safety and security, access control
- Industrial automatization
- ACS, automatic lines, automatized and robotechnic industrial complexes, NC-systems for industry, energetics, transport, communication etc.
- Information gathering and displating AS for monitoring, production control, management and communication
- Gaging, management, control, diagnostics, and scientific researches AS
- Tracing, regulation, stabilization and control AS
- Movement and mobile board equipment functioning ACS and CAS
- ACS operator trainers
- Hardware и Software:
- industrial computers and networks
- sensors, executing devices, built-in systems
- drives, coupling modules, modems, system and real-time software
- controllers, industrial cables and SCADA-systems
- wires, cases, power sources, information display systems
- Industrial production automatization componentry