ИННОПРОМ. Центральная Азия - 2025

And in the middle of summer hymn Easter - 2005

Attention! The event is over.

International specialized exhibition-fair

Date: 03.08.2005 - 09.08.2005 

City: Nizhny Novgorod - information about city

Holder: Exhibitions and Fair company "Uzorochie"

Topics: Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Society


Venue: Nizhniy Novgorod, Sovnarkomovskaya st., 13, "Nizhegorodskaya yarmarka" interregional exposition complex.

Blessed by Patriarchy of Moscow and all the Russia Alexiy

Holders: Nizhegorodskaya eparchy of ROC, State machinery of Plenipotentiary of President, "Nizhegorodsckaya yarmarka", Ltd., "Uzorochie" exhibitional company, "Vozglas" newspaper.

Exhibition structure:

  • "Chronicles of celebration in Russia on the occasion of centenary of canonization and 250 years of birthday of Saint Seraphim Sarovsckiy chronicles" exposition and video-presentation
  • Choir of temples of Nizhegorodskaya eparchy festival
  • "History of patronage in Nizhniy Novgorod", combined exposition of Museum of Nizhegorodskaya eparchy, Nizhegorodskiy museum of local lore, history and economy Nizhegorodsckiy regional archive
  • Presentation of functioning charitable programs, participated by russian enterprisers
  • Presentation of history and activity of monasteries of Nizhegorodskaya eparchy
  • Exhibition participants presentation
  • "School of sobering" scientific and methodical conference on alcohol, drugs and tobacco dependence problems
  • A series of lectures for alcohol- and drug-dependent
  • Excursions of fair-exhibition for schoolchildren and students of Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhegorodsckaya region and exhibition visitors
  • Combined sociological researches realization by Orthodoxal centre of sociological researches and faculty of sociological sciences of GSU

Exhibitors: monasteries, temples, piligrim centres, sanatoria, rest homes, touristic agencies, educational institutions, children's homes, orphanages, charity funds, publishers, audio- and video-studios, informational agencies, enterprises and masters of folk artwork, applied arts and church plate, enterprises of various services, household and food goods manufacturers.


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