ИННОПРОМ. Центральная Азия - 2025

AquaStop - 2006

Attention! The event is over.

The 3rd International scientific and technical Conference

Date: 18.04.2006 - 19.04.2006 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: International Analytical Review "ALITinform: Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixes"

Topics: Building and real estate, Industrial Exhibitions


In the context of International Building forum Waterproofing and roofing materials.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Waterproof and roof materials on the base of dry mixtures, roll and mastic and roofing bituminous materials, metallic insulation, polymeric mastics and diaphragms, tiling, fibro and asbestos-cement materials
  • Anticorrosive and shielding materials
  • Sealing materials
  • Hydrophobization, capillary cutoff
  • Roofing heat-insulating materials (foam polymeric, mineral wool insulation, cellular glass, etc.)
  • Heat and waterproof materials
  • Systems of primary and secondary damp course
  • Modern technologies, equipment and instruments for roofing and damp course
  • Normative base on waterproof and roof materials, main trends of their developments
  • Methods and equipment for waterproof and roof materials' test and quality control of work

Additional information:
