Tea & coffee magic aroma - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

The 1th International Exhibition

Date: 16.12.2003 - 19.12.2003 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "EXPODESIGN"

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center Exhibition hall 69

Exhibition organizer: The Russian Exhibition Company 'EXPODESIGN', the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs Member.

TEA AND COFFEE are favourite and most popular beverages in all countries of the world. Tea is a beverage, which people are drinking at any time of the year, at night and daytime, as delicacy and medicine. People are drinking it at office and while friendly talking. Coffee drinking in restaurants, bars and cafes has been brought into youth people fashion in Russia. Coffee houses number is constantly increasing and new profession called barrister has appeared. Today, in our country tea and coffee market is dynamic, rich and developed branch of economics.

The all round demonstration of above branch on the special exhibition space will promote further increasing of quality and new kinds of tea and coffee manufacture and advancement, revival of tea traditions, drinking culture upbringing, tea and coffee houses development.

In the framework of exhibition will be held conferences, seminars, master-classes and round tables on vital issues of tea and coffee market; professional and customer's tasting; there will be carried out following events: tea ceremonies, new goods, trade marks and services, different competition programs with presentation of diplomas and medals on demonstration spaces.

Participation at our exhibition will promote your recognition as representative of the branch will create a good atmosphere for meeting with competitors, give an unique opportunity for establishment of direct and productive contacts with potential buyers, invited to our exhibition.

Thematic Subjects

  • tea - black, white, yellow, red, elite, green, leaf, granular, in bags, ethnic, inststant, cold, phytotea
  • natural roasted coffee in grains and molted, instant, free caffeine coffee, specialty coffee, mixtures for espresso, coffee drinks and mixtures
  • equipment for tea blending, prepacking and packaging; roasting, grinding, coffee prepacking and packaging, instant tea and coffee manufacturing, etc.
  • prepacking and packaging for tea and coffee
  • samovars, kettles; coffee machines, coffee-grinders, percolators
  • ware for tea and coffee tasting
  • tea and coffee ware, including things for serving and accessories
  • tea-rooms, coffee houses, restaurants, bars, cafes
  • tea and coffee clubs
  • tea ceremonies
  • education, training, staff training
  • news and advertising, marketing services


  • tea and coffee producers, suppliers, distributors and sellers
  • branch research institutes, professional associations, public organizations, educational establishments
  • producers and suppliers of equipment for production, prepacking and packaging, tea and coffee cooking
  • packaging producers and suppliers
  • ware and accessories producers and suppliers
  • tea-rooms, coffee houses, restaurants, bars, cafes
  • tea and coffee clubs
  • mass-media, news and advertising agencies


  • specialists of domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations, companies and firms dealing with tea and coffee market
  • owners and managers of tea-rooms, coffee houses, restaurants, bars, cafes, tea and coffee clubs, trade representatives
  • mass visitors

Additional information:
