Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Aru - 2020

Attention! The event is over.

29th International Jewellery Exhibition

Date: 13.08.2020 - 16.08.2020 

City: Almaty - information about city

Holder: "KAZEXPO" International Exhibition Complex

Topic: Textiles. Fashion. Cosmetics

"Aru - 2020" exhibition news, 19-Aug-2019

Announce: The only in Kazakhstan and Central Asia international jewelry exhibition "Aru - 2020" will be held from August 13 to August 16 in Almaty. Participation in the exhibition will significantly increase sales, brand recognition and make mutually beneficial co

The organizers of the "Aru" exhibition are pleased to invite you to the only International Jewelry Exhibition in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which will be held from August 13 to August 16 in Almaty.

Jewelry exhibition "Aru" is held annually in two capitals of Kazakhstan: Almaty in April and Nur-Sultan in November. The "Aru Almaty" and "Aru Astana" exhibitions are attended by global leaders of the jewelry industry from: Armenia, Belgium, India, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, and also jewelry companies from Kazakhstan. Trademark "Aru" has proven to be a reliable and successful exhibition and has become a support for manufacturers, buyers and sellers of jewelry, being a platform for creating stable business contacts in the jewelry business. Various business and cultural events are being held during the exhibition: seminars, presentations, conferences, demonstration of jewelry on the podium, as well as a jewelry competition with the presentation of awards in different nominations and Grand Prix. Special attention of the organizers during the preparation of the exhibition is given to working with wholesale buyers from all regions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Annually the exhibition "Aru Almaty" is visited by more than 16000 guests, including wholesale buyers and jewelry specialists from all regions of Kazakhstan, as well as from Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

The exhibition project will be widely represented by the leading media of Kazakhstan and accompanied with great amount of outdoor advertising. The promotional package also includes courier delivery of invitations for jewelry stores, large companies in Almaty, government agencies, banks, business centers and much more.

According to numerous reviews of exhibitors, participation in the "Aru" exhibition allows to significantly increase the level of sales, brand recognition and make mutually beneficial contracts. Companies gains benefits from the participation in the exhibition throughout the whole year, until the next exhibition.


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