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Asset Allocation Summit Australia - 2008

Attention! The event is over.

Australian Asset Allocation and Investment Portfolio Forming Summit

Date: 25.02.2008 - 28.02.2008 

City: Sydney - information about city

Holder: Terrapinn Holdings Ltd.

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Venue:Hilton Hotel - Sydney.

The Annual Asset Allocation Summit represents a great business opportunity in a time of exciting development in the marketplace. Don't miss out on the chance to take part in an event where key industry decision-makers will be looking to find new information about alternative investment.

The Annual Asset Allocation Summit is an unrivalled and cost-effective sales and marketing solution that works throughout the year, providing you with new contacts and great exposure, culminating in an event which will bring you face-to-face with your key customers and prospects.


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