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Auto - 2006. Filling station. Lorry

Attention! The event is over.

The 11th International specialized exhibition

Date: 24.05.2006 - 28.05.2006 

City: Chelyabinsk - information about city

Holder: Vostochnie Vorota

Topics: Municipal Management, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: Sverdlovsky avenue, 51, palace of sport "The Youth" (ice and practice halls); Engels st., 22 (building of educational and sport complex UralGAFK), Chelyabinsk.

Exhibition Centre "Orient Gates"
The government of Chelyabinsk district
The administration of Chelyabinsk

Participants invited:
Organizations-produsers of automobiles, automobile technics, spares, cosmetics, componentry, tools and equipment, protecting systems; road and and guard service and maintenance works firms; autodesign firms; professionals and dilletantes in autosport; trade organizations; leadin automobile firms representatives


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