Venue: Sverdlovsky avenue, 51, Sports Palace "Youth" (Ice and Practice Halls); 22, Engels st.,(Educational and Sport Complex UralGAFK), Chelyabinsk.
Participants invited:
Organizations-produsers of automobiles, automobile technics, spares, cosmetics, componentry, tools and equipment, protecting systems; road and and guard service and maintenance works firms; autodesign firms; professionals and dilletantes in autosport; trade organizations; leading automobile firms representatives
Exhibition Sections:
- Automobiles
- Automobile machinery
- Spare parts fo automobiles
- Autocosmetics
- Componentry
- Equipment and tools
- Security systems
- Road and garage service
- Technical maintenance
- Autodesign development
- Autosports
- Fuel and oil materials and equipment for refuelling stations
- Baloon gas equipment
- Sale and maintenance service of lorries and passenger transport means, specialized vehicles