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Time of Maternity and Childhood / BabyTime Krasnodar - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

Exhibition of Goods and Services for Future Mothers, Children and Parents

Date: 17.04.2015 - 19.04.2015 

City: Krasnodar - information about city

Holder: "KrasnodarEXPO"

Topic: Consumer Goods


Venue: Exhibition Centre "Kuban EXPOCENTER"

"Time of Maternity and Childhood / BabyTime Krasnodar" is an exhibition for the whole family. For parents it represents a wide range of children's goods and services, consultation of specialists; for children - games and competitions, entertainment events, charity events.

For participants of the exhibition is the opportunity to make direct sales of goods and services; to meet with consumers and to assess their needs; to announce a new product, brand, expanded spectrum of services; to increase awareness of the brand, strengthen the company's image and loyalty to the final consumer.

Participants of the exhibition: distributors and suppliers of children's goods (clothes, toys, hygiene products and cosmetics, food and beverages), goods for pregnant and nursing mothers, and children's educational institutions, medical centers, creative studios, Agency on organization of holidays, publishers of children's literature, sports centers.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Mother and baby:
    • goods for pregnant women and nursing mothers (clothing, linen and accessories, food, cosmetics and personal hygiene products)
    • goods for newborns, children from 1 year to 3 years old (clothes, hygiene, food, dishes)
    • prams and accessories to ensure child safety
    • children's clothing
    • furniture and subjects of an interior of children's rooms
    • appliances for care of babies - baby monitors, heaters and bottle sterilizers, blenders
  • Training and development:
    • pre-school education (kindergartens and schools of early development of the state and private)
    • general education (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, boarding schools)
    • additional education (centers of children's creativity, art, dance, music, sports schools/studios)
    • materials and equipment for creative activities (materials, accessories for drawing, musical instruments)
    • furniture and equipment for kindergartens, schools, game rooms and playgrounds
    • children's literature, textbooks, study guides
    • stationery
  • Toys and games:
    • toys and developing games
  • Services:
    • insurance companies providing programs for children
    • recruiting agency on the selection of domestic personnel
    • agency organization of holidays

Additional information:
