Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

BakuBuild - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

9th Azerbaijan International Specialized Exhibition "Construction & Interiors, Heating & Ventilation"

Date: 24.09.2003 - 26.09.2003 

City: Baku - information about city

Holder: Iteca Caspian

Topic: Building and real estate


Place of Exhibition:Baku, The Sport and Exhibition Complex


  • BakuBuild is organized by the International British Exhibition Company ITE Group PLC. and its exclusive partner in Caucasus and Central Asia - Iteca Caspian Ltd., the leading organizers of more than 300 annual specialized exhibitions in CIS and Eastern Europe countries, including construction exhibitions: Batimat/MosBuild, Batimat/St. Petersburg, Batimat Poland, KievBuild, KazBuild and others.

The facts of economy:

  • Due to natural resources, particularly oil & gas reserves, its geopolitical location, strong legal system and large intellectual resources, nowadays Azerbaijan is one of the most attractive countries of CIS for investors.
  • Azerbaijan borders in North with Russia; in East with Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan (through Caspian Sea) in Northwest with Georgia, in South with Iran, in Southwest with Turkey, in West with Armenia. Square: 86600 sq. km. Population: more than 8 mln. people.
  • The total volume of foreign investments to the economy of Azerbaijan will exceed $28,5 bln. for next 10 years. This amount is five times as much as the investment index of 1991-2002.
  • According to three-year government investment policy, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of Azerbaijan 300 investment projects with total amount of $3 bln. will be realized in the country.
  • For 9 months of 2001, GDP in Azerbaijan increased by 9,3% in comparison with the same period of 2000, making Azerbaijan the leader among the CIS countries.
  • During last 5 years the volume of state budget has increased from 277 bln. manats in 1993 to 3.6 trln. Manats in 2001. The State budget is forecasting to be increased to 4.2 trln. manats in 2002.
  • Azerbaijan has trade connections with more than 120 countries worldwide.
  • Azerbaijan - Italy deal to evade dual taxation is under way. Italy is number one export partner for Azerbaijan and its expedient to sign up such deal in order to enhance trade ties.

The outlooks of construction industry in Azerbaijan:

  • Azerbaijan has one of the ancient and richest histories in the world. The creation of ancient architects harmonically combines with modern huge high-scribers of our country.
  • There is an active construction started in all main cities of Azerbaijan. About $700 mln. will be invested to building projects till 2003.
  • The share of private sector in construction industry is equaled to 74%.
  • According to direction of the president of Azerbaijan Republic more than $80 mln. will be given to the executive power of Baku City for the reconstruction of highways and roads in Baku in compliance with European standards.
  • The new general plans for Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit have already been created. The plans are valid for 25 years.
  • There are building materials' markets under construction in Baku and Ganja. It will totally liquidate illegal street sales.
  • During five months the volume of housing construction has increased to 44% in compare with same duration of last year.
  • There is a large construction for invalids going on, which will be consisted of 50 one-storied two-room houses with farmlands. The houses are building by the funds of Ministry of Labour and Social Security. There were already $2.5 mln. spent for building works.
  • Thanks to the investments for the development of Tourism Industry the number of Caravanserais, Business and Trade Centers, Public parks, clubs and etc. is incredibly growing.

Official support

  • Prepared by the State Committee of Construction and Architecture, Ministry of Economic Development and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Azerbaijan Republic.


  • More than 15, 000 qualified visitors of construction industry will arrive from Azerbaijan, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Iran and Central Asia to meet the latest achievements of construction world.

Regular participants of BakuBuild Exhibition:

  • Bosch, Demir-Dokum, De-Vi, Soilmec, Hilti, Erensan, Wittur Selcom, Saman Tile, Officine Villalta, Clipsal-Contact, Tikkurila Paints Oy, KOPP, Wilo, Poyan Shargh - Dorika, Al Mukaram Insulation Systems, Soudal, Astron Building Systems, Cezar, Salag, Izodom 2000, Honkatalot, Sobsan Paints, Peri, Sparky, Phiolent, Baku Steel Company, Garadagh Сement, Knauf, Enilik, Yukseklik, Skif, Samsung, Onduline, Herz, Kami, Teplo-Import, Karacharovskiy Mechanical plant, Ideal Dizayn, KBE, National Paints Factories, Moeller, Berger Paints, Klimed, Genesis, Expand, North West International, Profil, SFA, Mayak, Mosmek, Solarex, Novaplast, Office Systems, Hazer Yapi, Chromos paints, Maxi Dizayn, Vacuflo etc.

Additional information:
