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BakuMebel - 2003 The world of beauty and comfort

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Azerbaijan International Furniture Exhibition "Furniture & Accessories, Interiors & Design"

Date: 29.10.2003 - 31.10.2003 

City: Baku - information about city

Holder: Iteca Caspian

Topic: Furniture and Office Equipment, HoReCa


Place of Exhibition:Baku, The Sport and Exhibition Complex


  • BAKUMEBEL is organized by the International British Exhibition Company ITE Group PLC. and its exclusive partner in Caucasus and Central Asia - Iteca Caspian Ltd., the leading organizers of more than 350 annual specialized exhibitions in CIS and Eastern Europe countries, including furniture exhibitions: Batimat/MosBuild, Batimat/St. Petersburg, Decotex(Russia), Index Cairo (Egypt), Batimat Poland, Midex (Turkey), Coneco (Slovakia) and others.

The facts of economy:

  • The largest in Caucasus and one of the most attractive countries within CIS for foreign investors.
  • The volume of foreign investments to the economy of Azerbaijan for next 10 years will exceed $28,5 bln. This figure is five times bigger than 1991-2001 investment index.
  • The main transport corridors united West and East, North and South has been established.
  • Azerbaijan maintains the trade relations with 120 countries.
  • Today Azerbaijan remains the big construction area. The volume of investments to construction industry in 2003 will increase $700 mln.
  • During last 5 months of 2002 the total volume of house building in compare with the same period of last year increased by 44%.
  • For last 5 years cash income of population has increased by 2,3 being the highest index within CIS.

BakuMebel - 2003 The world of beauty and comfort:

  • For the first time in Caucasus - Specialized Furniture Exhibition - BakuMebel 2003.
  • BakuMebel 2003 is a great opportunity for foreign and local companies to present the latest achievements in furniture and interior designing of the different ways.
  • BakuMebel 2003 Exhibition is the reflection of contrasts uniting West and East ideas.
  • It's a good possibility to create business contacts and study the Caucasus market.
  • There are professional visitors with an active interest in this sphere of business. There are more than 200 furniture salons in Baku.
  • It's a great opportunity to promote the image in this market.
  • The seminars and presentations of the participated companies.
  • The edition of the official catalogue and newspaper with the last news about the world of furniture and interiors.

Official support

  • Prepared the State Committee of Construction and Architecture, Ministry of Economic Development and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Azerbaijan Republic.


  • More than 15, 000 qualified visitors of furniture industry will arrive from Azerbaijan, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Iran and Central Asia to meet the latest achievements of furniture world.

Additional information:
