Здравоохранение Юга - 2025

BakuTel - 2003

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9th Azerbaijan International Exhibition on Telecommunications and Information Technologies

Date: 01.10.2003 - 03.10.2003 

City: Baku - information about city

Holder: Iteca Caspian

Topic: Information Technologies and Communications


Place of Exhibition:Baku, The Sport and Exhibition Complex


  • BAKUTEL is organized by ITE Group PLC leading organiser of exhibitions and conferences in CIS and Eastern Europe and its exlusive partner in Central Asia and Caucasus ITECA Caspian organisers of such exhibitions and conferences like KITEL(Almaty), Caspian Telecoms (Istanbul), B&F SUMMIT, NETCOM, COMTEK

Economic Data:

  • Due to natural resources, particularly oil & gas reserves, its geopolitical location, strong legal system and large intellectual resources, nowadays Azerbaijan is one of the most attractive countries of CIS for investors.
  • The total volume of foreign investments to the economy of Azerbaijan will exceed $28,5 bln. for 10 years. This figure is five times bigger than 1991-2001 investment index.
  • For 9 months of 2002, GDP in Azerbaijan increased by 12,5% in comparison with the same period of 2000, making Azerbaijan the leader in CIS countries.
  • According to three-year governmental investment policy, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of Azerbaijan 300 hundred investment projects with total volume amount of more than 3 billion US$ will be realized in the country.

Market Data:

  • Volume of investments in telecommunication sector in Azerbaijan in 2001/04 will amount to more than 870 million US$. 261 million US$ (30% of total) will be invested by local means, 483 million US$ (56%) will be attracted as foreign investments, other part 126 million - as credits.
  • Number of mobile network abonents is more than 750 thousands in Azerbaijan is taking first place among CIS countries by density of mobile network.
  • Further to Ministry of Communications there are more than 200 thousand internet users in Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan government in co-operation with UNDP prepared program of National Strategy for Development of ICT in Azerbaijan for 2001/2011. According to the Program PC and Internet penetration as measured on the basis of the number of subscribers will grow to reach 1,5 million subscribers by 2011.
  • For the following 3 years density of telephonisation will reach to 1 number to 5 person, what in general will amount to 1.750.000 abonents of telephone network (at 01/08/01 about 920.000). To 2005 all republican telecommunication network will be totally digital.
  • PU "Teleradio" will realize the project of modernization of broadcasting network system of AZTV. For the fulfillment of all work will be alloted 183 mln. US$17 mln. US$ at the first stage.
  • According to ITC (Information Technologies Center of UNSTAD and WTO), ICT market volume in Azerbaijan in 2001 was about 180 million US dollars.
  • Number of mobile network subscribers is more than 700 thousands in Azerbaijan is taking first place among CIS countries by density of mobile network.
  • Internet and other telecommunications technological means will make up 60-70% of total advertisement volume in the country to 2005.

Official support

  • BakuTel 2002 exhibition is fully supported by the Ministry of Communications, PU "Aztelekom", Project of National Strategy of Development of ICT in Azerbaijan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Azerbaijan.


  • 15,000 qualified visitors from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Central Asia, Iran and Turkey. Wide advertisment campaign, including invitations' distribution through Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Turkey and Central Asia, advertisment on TV and radio, in leading newspapers and specialized publications of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Our regular exhibitors:

  • Adanet, Advantek, Ati, Atl, Azel, Azeurotel, Azcom, Aztech, Aztelecom, Baktelecom, Catel, Cen Group, Corvus, Deutsche Exide, Eci Telecom, Elsis, Kvant Interkom, Halal, Elettronika, Huawei Technologies, Icos, Info Consult, Inmarsat, Intrans, Gilat, Karel, Maccenter, Nera Networks, Nicts, Nokia, Oki, Peter Service, R.I.S.K., Robertson & Blums, Rscc, Samara Cable Company, Satis-Tl, Siemens Ag, Sinam Invest, Smart Systems, Telefonka-Kable, Thuraya Satellite, Ulu, Xerox, Zelax.

Additional information:
