- Services provided by banks
- Complex settlement and cash services:
- opening and maintenance of accounts of legal and natural persons (residents and non-residents) ž in rubles and foreign currency, using the electronic system of settlements "Client - Bank"
- consultations in conclusion of contracts and agreements
- acceptance and cash payments
- attraction of money of legal and natural persons into deposits in rubles and foreign currency
- International clearing:
- complex service of clients' foreign economic activities
- implementation of international transfers
- documentary payment and EURO
- Services of commercial crediting:
- crediting of legal and natural persons, including credit line, banker's indemnity, factoring, leasing.
- mortgage credit lending
- development of individual schemes of crediting
- Encashment:
- collection of sale proceeds and other values
- collection of exchange offices cash delivery in cash offices of clients' organizations
- Stock exchange transactions:
- broking at the securities market (stock market and secondary market of government securities and corporate
- depositary services
- trust management of securities
- provision of bank safes
- Exchange
- execution of all currency transactions and barter
- opening of exchange and cash offices in shops
- Operations at the currency market:
- maintenance at the international exchange market FOREX
- cooperation at the interbank market
- clients' broking in the system of electronic currency trenders at Moscow Interbank Foreign Currency
- Plastic cards:
- credit card issue and its' maintenance
- realization of precious metals on external and internal markets, bars' sale
- Consultation services:
- consultation on exchange adjustment
- development of individual schemes of finance flow and tax payment
- consultations on the development of business in Russian regions and CIS
- Complex settlement and cash services:
- Services of investment companies
- Services of brokerage houses
- Specialized editions and press