IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Beer - 2018

Attention! The event is over.

the next forum Beer - 2025

27th International Forum

Date: 22.05.2018 - 25.05.2018 

City: Sochi - information about city

Holder: SOUD

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: Exhibition Center of the Grand Hotel "Zhemchuzhina"

The festival "Beer Sea in Sochi - 2018" held in the framework of the International forum "Beer".

International forum "Beer" in Sochi is the largest Russian specialized exhibition event of the beer industry, the main meeting place of leading representatives of the brewing industry of Russia and foreign enterprises.

For a quarter of century forum "Beer" remains the only in Russia specialized business event in the brewing industry.

Only in Sochi the exhibition and business program is fully dedicated to all aspects of work and development of the brewing industry:
- key sector unions and business representatives to discuss topical issues of regulation of the industry;
- leading research institutions and reputable experts talk about technological innovation and give professional advice on specific issues the participants of the Forum;
- in the exposition there are manufacturers of all types of products for brewing and related services;
- in the framework of presentations and workshops by recognized leaders and young companies to share successful experiences in the field of production technology and marketing.

Forum Goals:

  1. Common desire to maintain healthy competition in the market
  2. Maintaining a friendly and professional relationships between market participants
  3. Development of the beer market in Russia, its successful integration into the international market
  4. Only in the forum "Beer" in Sochi even the most complicated issues are easily resolved, because on the coast there is always a friendly atmosphere

Exhibition Sections:

  • Beer, raw materials and equipment for brewing
  • Equipment for processing of raw materials; methods of raw materials and beer transportation
  • Mini breweries
  • Packaging, containers and labels
  • Soft drinks: raw materials, technologies and equipment for manufacturing of soft drinks
  • International contest of beer and soft drinks
  • Special exposition "Beer Furniture" - furniture for beer restaurants, bars and pubs:
    • wooden furniture
    • transformable furniture
    • furniture on the metal frame and drop-forged furniture
    • furniture for catering and banquet halls
    • customized furniture
    • antiquated furniture
    • bar counters
  • Furniture for sidewalk and outdoor cafes

Additional information:
