Venue: "Bashkortostan" Exhibition Complex
Exhibition sections:
- Salon "Profi"
- decorative, medical and preventive, sanitary and fitocosmetics
- medicinal, homoeopathic and vitamins medications, biologically active additives
- cosmetic technologies and methods for health and beauty care
- hygiene means, household chemical goods
- therapeutic cosmetology
- professional cosmetics
- cosmetics for face and body care
- cosmetology and hairdresser's equipment
- cosmetology and hairdresser's services
- nail service (nail painting, building up, design)
- equipment and accessories for beauty shops
- solariums and tan means
- perfumery and aromatherapy
- visege
- permanent make up
- tatoo and piercing
- hair accessories
- "Jeweller Profi"
- decorations from natural stones
- jewellery
- diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones
- art works from bones, china, coral, glass, ceramics, crystal
- settings made by jewellers
- watches from gold and silver, wall and wrist watches and clocks
- bijutery
- packing for jewellery
- "Optic Profi"
- style optics
- frames for glasses
- contact, colour lenses
- accessories