Venue: Hotel "Cosmos"
"International Book Forum" - this is the only business event in Russia bringing together professional publishers from around the world.
Forum Goal - forum purpose is to provide these professional publishers with a platform for business communications at this two-day event.
Forum benefits:
- We present new books and bestsellers appeared in the world book industry
- Industry professionals can exchange their expert opinions
- Negotiations with new partners and strengthening current business contacts
- Discussing prospects for future development of new technologies in the book industry
- Wide opportunities to promote new ideas, books and scripts among professionals
Forum participants:
- Publishers, authors, critics, publicists
- Booksellers, literary agents, lawyers, patent attorneys, interpreters, journalists, film and TV producers
- Equipment manufacturers and new technologies developers
Exhibition Sections:
- Printed publications:
- belles-lettres
- children's and youth literature, comics
- art, architecture, design and photography literature
- popular-scientific, medical and technical literature
- specialized literature on cookery, flower gardening, sport, tourism and recreation, esotery, beauty and health, hunting and fishing, handicraft, fashion
- educational and humanitarian literature
- foreign languages literature
- collectors' and antiquarian literature
- military literature
- memoirs, recollections, biographies
- scripts for cinema, TV broadcast, radio and theatrical performances
- post cards, cards, calendars, posters
- New technologies in publishing business:
- illustrations and photography
- eBooks, encyclopedias, teaching programs
- computer games, accessories
- technical support and equipment: readers, software
- audio books
- Book printing:
- methods and technologies of book publishing industry
- expendable materials
- printing services