The thematic contents of an exhibition:
- Ready products - footwear: female, man's, children's, home and footwear for rest; sports footwear; rubber;
- Special footwear; perspective collections of modelling footwear. Ready products from a leather(skin): clothes, belts, suitcases, gloves, sports products, interior of automobiles, technical products, book bindings and others.
- Ready products from furs: fur coats, coat, addition
- Machines and equipment for manufacture of footwear, products from furs and leather.
- Tanning materials and fabrics.
- Furnishing materials and furniture.
- Synthetic materials and fabrics.
- Dyes, chemical means and auxiliary materials.
- Means of a leaving behind footwear, products from a leather, fur.
- Machines and equipment for repair of footwear and leather products.