Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025
Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025

Buy a brand - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition

Date: 04.11.2003 - 06.11.2003 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company EMTG

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Moscow, Expocentre on Red Presnia

The organizer of an exhibition:
firm " EXPOFAR ".
The exhibition is carried out at support of
Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation,
Moscow International Business of Association
Russian Association Franchajzinga.
Ridjey Group - is the organizer of collective participation of the Russian and foreign firms and the organizations at the international exhibition "Buy a brand - 2003".

The exhibition represents interest for the companies which confidently feel in the market, have a wide experience, proved mark (brand), and the most important - are ready to expand scales and geography of the business. Indoubtedly, this exhibition will be useful and interesting and to those who for a long time bears idea about creation of the affair, but does not know, from what party to approach to this, and for those who gets the first experience in business, and for those who from "small" is going to pass in "big" business.

The basic purpose of an exhibition - popularization and promotion of the Russian commodity marks and stimulation of development new to Russia, the progressive form of economic activities - franchaising as one of ways of strengthening of positions of the Russian marks in the market and developments of network brands. Franchaising well and successfully develops in economic, and already became the important factor of formation of civilized norms of economic partnership and cooperation.

The circle of dealers of many large firms, constantly extends by the conclusion of contracts of commercial concession (franchaising). Franchaising, being type of the organization of business, assumes creation of a wide network of the homogeneous enterprises as which vivid example world famous firm " Mac Donalds " serves.

This network carries the name the franchise. She has the trade mark which unites many businessmen observing identical conditions, style, methods and forms of sales of the goods (commercial subconcession).

At an exhibition a number of the foreign companies franchaisers, such as - " Fast Food System " and others for the first time participating in the given exhibition with the purpose of an output on the Russian market will be widely submitted. The given companies can become your potential clients.

For your working clients at an exhibition seminars on the following themes will be lead: " Legal aspects franchaising and protection of a trade mark ", " the Estimation and sale of the Brand ".

Interest of your clients in visiting an exhibition and the further purchase of the franchise will promote expansion of client base and increase in a revolution of your capital.

Themes of exhibition:

  • Banks. Consulting
  • Formation companies
  • the Fast food. Restaurants. Food stuffs
  • Retail trade. The consumer goods, clothes, footwear, utensils, home appliances Souvenir production
  • Agriculture
  • Sports. Tourism. Hotel business
  • Personnel agencies
  • Sphere of services, consumer services, service of business
  • Polygraphic services. Mass-media
  • Public health services, beauty and health, the industry of fitness
  • Construction. Building materials. Trade System of an artificial climate
  • the Furniture, the built - in furniture
  • Automation. Electronics. The electrotool
  • Oil, chemical and gas branch
  • Communication, telecommunications, software
  • Transport, avto- and spesialavtotransport, transport transportations, car-care center, autotuning, logistic

"Purchase of the franchise"
"Legal aspects of franchaising"
"Franchaising in your business"
"The Simple franchise"
"The Master the franchise"


Additional information:
