Ýëåêòðîòåõíèêà. Ýíåðãåòèêà -2025
Ýëåêòðîòåõíèêà. Ýíåðãåòèêà -2025

Stroyprogress. Modern house - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

The 6th specialized exhibition-fair.

Date: 23.11.2004 - 27.11.2004 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expostroy

Topics: Building and real estate, Municipal Management


Venue: "Ekspostroy na Nakhimovskom" exhibition centre, the 1st pavillion.

Exhibition subjects:

  • scientific and project elaborations, providing progress in construction complex and communal economy;
  • progressive technologies and new effective building and finishing materials, housekeeping tools;
  • enery-saving technologies in construction and communal economy;
  • energy effective engineering equipment: ventilation, heating, water-supply, êîíäèöèîíèðîâàíèå, êàíàëèçàöèÿ; registration and control devices;
  • furniture and lightning in interior;
  • mechanisms, equipment and tools for construction and repair works.

Additional information:
