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Building Skin Russia - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

3rd All-Russian Forum of Technologies and Elements of Building Skin

Date: 26.02.2019 - 27.02.2019 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Facade Academy

Topic: Building and real estate


Venue: Event Hall Danilovsky

The forum "Building Skin Russia - 2019" is the only specialized meeting place for professionals working in the dynamic market of external building shells in Russia. Modern facades and roofs are the "skin" of buildings (building skin), on which their most important functions depend: attractiveness, energy efficiency, capitalization, safety, durability, multifunctionality, adaptability to external factors.

The forum is held in an innovative format of conferences and exhibitions located in a single, open space. This year "Architect Lounge Zone" will be opened for architects. Especially for "Building Skin Russia" Facade Academy is preparing a magazine-catalog of the Russian market of external shells of buildings. For guests, in total, will perform about 100 (!) speakers on the most diverse aspects of the outer shells of modern buildings. "Building Skin Russia - 2019" is not only a meeting place for professionals, demonstration of modern materials and technologies, but also a 2-day refresher courses for developers, architects, designers, developers.

Guests of the forum will find an interesting scientific and practical program. For the first time, all the main elements and systems of modern external shells of buildings will be presented: facades, roofs, windows and insulation.

The audience of the forum "Building Skin Russia" is growing from year to year. If 2000 specialists were registered at the first forum, already 3000 (open data) - at the second, and the third forum, according to the forecast of the organizing Committee will attract more than 4000 specialists from different parts of the country.

The projected performance of the "Building Skin Russia - 2019":
Number of speakers: 100+
Number of registered visitors: 4000+
Number of participating brands: 100+
Number of conference areas where conferences will be held at the same time: 3.


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