Venue: 44, Kuibyshev St., World Trade Centre, Ekaterinburg, Russia. The exhibition society "Ural Exhibitions - 2000" would like to invite you to
participate in the 9th specialized exhibition, held under the auspices of the Territorial
Administration of Russian Building Society in the Ural Federal District, the Ministry of
Building and Architecture in the Ural region. The aims of the exhibition are:
Exhibition Sections:
- New technologies in building and architecture
- Construction engineering and vehicles
- Building and reconstruction materials
- Building tools, fixing elements and hardware
- Windows, doors
- Communication systems and equipment
- The plumbing equipment and bathroom accessories
- Paints and varnishes, building chemistry
- Means for an engineering infrastructure of big and small cities: systems of heat supply, power supply, water supply, ventilation and air-conditioning
- Devices for commercial account control of energy carriers, means of automation
- Pumps, compressor stations, cleaning machinery
- The software of construction work